Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So, here we go.... my first attempt at blogging.  The reason I wanted to start this is because I feel like there are so many things that go on in my life that I know, for a fact, other women deal with.  The balancing act of being a woman... a mom, a wife, a friend, an employee, the head chef, the taxi driver, well you get it... I could go on and on about all the different rolls a woman has in her life.  I want to create a sounding board for the daily balancing act that we do just being women.

I believe that we all go through things in our lives that other people experience and sometimes its just good to know that you're not the only one that deals with these things.  For instance, I was talking to my friend on the phone the other night.  She stops our conversation to speak to her crying child in the background.  "What's wrong?" she says.  Whatever her son replied, I was not able to understand because of the high pitched sobbing, but the next question is what really got me.  "DID YOU CHOKE YOUR BROTHER?" is what she asked her oldest son. 

All I could do is laugh and thank God that I am not the only mother that has to ask that question in her household!  It's little everyday things like that that I want to discuss.  Whether it be husbands, children, work, friends, or finances, we all deal with it.  Just knowing that there are other people out there that have to ask rediculous questions like that is a huge comfort to me!!

So if you would like to join me in my discussion of all things women, please do.  I will not be perfect.  I will have typos and grammar errors, I'm sure.  If you read this and are not interested and do not care for what I have to say, that's fine too.  Please just move on, no reason to leave hateful messeges on here.  And lastly, I would love to hear your trials and tribulations of this balancing act we do as women.  It could make for some really great conversations!!

Thanks for reading,

Genu-"WINE" Linda

1 comment:

  1. Well.... I LOVE IT! For those of you who know me, you might recognize the story above. That was my boys! Crazy kids!

    Linda, You are so funny. Can't wait to read more!
