In my house, we are going through the monster phase with my 4 year old. This all started because my 13 year old son decided that watching the movie "Little Monsters" with my 4 year old would be a good idea. I don't know if you are familiar with this movie or not, but it is not 4 year old appropriate. I take partial blame for this too. When B, (my 13 year old), came to me and asked to watch this movie, I told him it was ok. The title of the movie sounded like a cute little movie and in my mind I was thinking more like Monster Inc. UM WRONG!!
Little Monsters has Howie Mandell who plays a very creepy looking monster that comes out in the dark from underneath the bed and terrorizes Fred Savage in his room at night. Imaginge my look as I came around the corner, after this movie had been on for all of 15 minutes, and C (my 4 yr old) was covered up with a blanket up to his nose, wide eyed and saying "Mommy, I'm scared". I watched this movie for another 5 minutes thinking this has got to get better and much more funny so he will see that monsters are not scary and can actually be funny. I then realized that all my self reasoning that I had just tried was for nothing, because C is not laughing!
For the next two weeks, C woke up every night screaming about monsters under his bed. He would argue about going to bed and sleeping in his room alone. I tried everything, leaving the light on, staying in his room until he fell asleep, removing any and all objects from his room that would look like monster in the middle of the night.
After an hour of one my favorite past times and favorite websites, Pinterest, I came across a picture of a bottle marked monster spray. BING!! The light bulb went off in my head!! After searching every cabinet in my house, I realized I didn't have an empty spray bottle... C'mon Linda, you're smart.. Be creative!!
I found a "save the ta tas" bracelet that I got in Vegas. It's now a monster bracelet. He wears it every night around his leg without fail! I'm a genius!! My 13 year old son also came up with what we call the good dream cream, which is a bottle of saline solution that we poor into his hands and he rubs all over his face before bed. Believe it or not, this actually works. We haven't had a problem with waking up scared in months.......until last night.
Now he is affraid of Zombies.... ZOMBIES!!! What the heck?? Apparently there is some Zombie game out there that now has him freaked out and having bad dreams. Again, thank you B! I guess its time to look for Zombie spray. If any of you out there knows the recipe for this, please let me know. I'm thinking it begins with no electronics in our house!! ;-)
Genu-WINE Linda
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