At the beginning of the New Year, I decided to make the same resolution everyone does at this time of year.... to lose weight. What was I thinking??? I was thinking my jeans are too tight, and the poor little button that tries to hold them together is just about stretched to its capacity! So what do I do? I run out and reactivate my membership to the gym. Did you catch that? REACTIVATE Yep, the getting up and going to the gym lasted all of ONE week.
Now, let me give you the list of excuses that I used to convince myself that I really didn't have the time to go to the gym.
1. I have to work, and if I get up at 4AM to go then I am tired all day.
2. If I get up at 4AM to go the gym then I have to go to bed super early and night time is the only time that my husband and I have time to spend "time" together. (by the way, my husband LOVED that excuse)
3. I don't have time at night to go, because with 3 boys and running them everywhere, I just can't fit it in.
4. I need to catch up on laundry.
5. I think I feel cramps coming on.
I could seriously go on and on and on..... Bottom line is, I'M LAZY. There I said it. I am too lazy to go to the gym. I don't have that kind of dedication to go do something I don't like to do. So what do I do now? Diet? At this current moment I am trying the whole counting points thing. My friend that I work with has already lost 10lbs doing this. YAY HER! Really, I am very happy for her. She has worked hard and you can definitly tell that she is losing weight. To be completely honest, this whole counting points thing tends to piss me off. I am HUNGRY!!! I need to eat. I like to eat, and don't want limits on what I want to eat!
Here is the kicker that I know everyone will understand.. I am NOT going to buy the next size bigger jeans!! So, I am really trying to stick with counting points. Less face it, you need to change the way you eat if you want to lose weight. I know this in my mind, but sometimes that's easier said than done. When you are running from activity to activity with your children, sometimes its just easier and faster to stop and grab some fast food. I really envy the moms that cook every night, and cook good healthy food for their families. June Cleaver, I am not, but I would really like to be more like that!
I think I am going to change my New Year's Resolution to eating healthier. I will also attempt going to the gym here and there, but I am not going to feel bad if I only make it once a week. I know I will probably be kicking myself in the butt come summer time when we go to the beach for vacation and I pull out that swim suit, but for now, I have to go find a rubber band to loop through the button hole of my jeans and see how many points this cream cheese danish is. ;-)
LOVE the cramps excuse. You are doing great and I am so proud of you for trying!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love it! Im NOT buying a bigger pant size either.